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Users of Netscape Communicator 4.x - To avoid a problem still under investigation by Netscape, press the HOME button before closing Netscape from this site. If you close Netscape 4.x while this site is loaded, you will encounter an error. Clicking OK after encountering the error will complete your close Netscape request. Users of Netscape 3.x should not encounter this error.

This site implements advanced features and capabilities made possible by Netscape Navigator's JavaScript 3.0 enhancements. Many companies involved with Internet design and delivery have already endorsed these new standards which have been submitted for inclusion in the next W3C standards specification. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED that you obtain Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher before browsing this site. Please remember Netscape Navigator is FREE for educational and evaluation use.

To obtain it, you may follow this link:

This site uses "pop up" windows to distinguish content location. As you open successive articles or links the windows will automatically nest whenever the window hierarchy changes. Because the window from where you jump remains open, you can easily pick up where you left off. PLEASE NOTE, we have implemented "clean up" of the desktop upon leaving our site. For visitors with Netscape Communicator 3.x or higher, all pop up windows will automatically close when you either leave this site, load different issues, or close the browser application. Visitors with earlier versions of Netscape will see information and instructions about how to proceed upon exiting.

For optimal browsing experience, we suggest you either reposition windows so that a portion of each window always remains visible for easy focusing by clicking any visible part of the window, or if your screen size is smaller, Alt+Tab between open windows for navigation.

If you are not able or willing to do this please follow the next few suggestions to prevent confusion while browsing this site.